Serial port settings
The settings for serial port 1 can be changed in position 4 and for port 2 in position 5.
Enter selection >4 (and 5)
Serial port 1
RS-232 Setup
1) Port status ON
2) Data speed 19200
3) Data bits 8 bit data
4) Parity None parity
5) Stop bits 1 stop bit
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >1
Serial ports 1 and 2
Status setup
1) Port 1 ON / Port 2 OFF
2) Port 1 OFF / Port 2 ON
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >1
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >2
Serial port 1
Data speed setup
1) 300 bit/s
2) 600 bit/s
3) 1200 bit/s
4) 2400 bit/s
5) 4800 bit/s
6) 9600 bit/s
7) 19200 bit/s
8) 38400 bit/s
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >7
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >3
Serial port 1
Data bits setup
1) 7 bit data
2) 8 bit data
3) 9 bit data
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >2