The address can be turned on or off and changed in position 3.
Enter selection >3
Addressing setup
RX Address OFF
TX Address OFF
1) Change RX address
2) Change TX address
3) Set RX address ON
4) Set TX address ON
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >1
RX address setup
RX Address 0000
Enter new address(HEX) or Esc to cancel >1234 OK !
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >2
RX address setup
RX Address 0000
Enter new address(HEX) or Esc to cancel >1234 OK !
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >3
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >4
The address is given in hexadecimal form in which case the number of different addresses
exceeds 65.000. In one radio data modem the address can be the same or in some special
cases (e.g. in repeater) also different in transmitting and receiving.