Operating Manual Q-Jet CT20
© Sanosil
Select the Auto or Expert operating mode (for de-
tails on the operating modes, see
section 4.2 .1 or 4.2.2)
Select the name of the operator, the room name,
the room department (e.g. floor number), the
room cubature and the distance of the nozzle to
walls/ceiling and equipment. (Attention: once a
wall distance has been selected, it must be re-
moved by pressing it again to select
another distance.)
If you have selected expert mode, you
must also define the number of spray cycles,
breaks and decay time
(See Screenshots 4.2.2)
The room is then saved
After programming a room profile, the profile can be activated and started immediately by pressing "OK". Alter-
natively, you can use "Back" to create and save additional room profiles.