S&C Instruction Sheet 661-500 15
Battery Test Tab
Battery Test
tab is used to conduct a battery test.
See Figure 11.
To conduct a battery test, click on the
Battery Test
button. The user cannot access any other tabs until battery
test is complete. The status box will be updated during the
battery test, and the progress bar will visually show the
progression of the test. See Figure 12.
During the first 24-hour operation period, the battery
is automatically tested every two hours . After that,
when ac power is present and the charger is turned
on, the battery is tested once a day at midnight (per
the time on the charger) . If the battery is powering
the charger due to a loss of ac source, a battery test
will occur every two hours . The battery test is used to
measure effective battery capacity and can be started
remotely with the GUI application
Battery Test
command, as shown in Figure 11, by the Battery Test
Start input relay through the J2 connector, or by the
BAT TEST pushbutton on the charger, as described in
Appendix A .
Battery Test History Tab
Battery Test History
tab enables the user to view
automated test reports. Manually initiated tests are not
shown. See Figure 13.
The report subtabs in this screen are as follows:
First 12 Test Records
–Displays the first 12 battery test
records that are automatically initiated (Manual battery
tests are not captured in this record.)
First Year Monthly Records
–Displays the battery test
records from the first year
Latest 1 Year Monthly Records
–Displays the battery
test records of the present year
The reports will show the date, time, battery status,
temperature, voltage, and impedance.
Figure 12. The Battery Test screen status box and progress bar.
Figure 11. The Battery Test screen.
Progress bar
Status box
Figure 13. The Battery Test History screen.