San Telequip (P) Ltd.,
504 & 505,Deron heights,Opp Mahabaleshwar hotel
Baner Road,Baner Pune 411 045
Phone : 020-, 65001587
Connecting. Converting. Leading !
email :
6.4.4 Map Descriptors
On the Map Descriptors screens information on each individual Map Descriptor can be
viewed. A number of aspect screens are available, including settings, status, info stats and
error stats. The information on these screens cannot be changed, and is for viewing only.
6.5 User Messages
The user message screens display Gateway messages generated by drivers and the
operating system.
User messages on the “Error”- screen usually indicate some problem with the configuration or
communication and should be attended to.
User messages of an informational type will be displayed on the “Info”- screen, and no user
action is usually required.
Messages generated by protocol drivers will be displayed on the “Driver”- screen. These
messages convey protocol specific information that can be useful for field integration
Finally the “Combined”- screen contains all messages chronologically from all the above
message screens.