©G Hendra Nov 18
Eeprom not written to outdoor PCB, needs a replacement PCB.
E475 Bottom fan error
This error only appears on size 16 units
RC160MHXEA. It happens when fan 2 (bottom) is
faulty. The fault is clear to see as only the top fan will
be spinning when the unit is running.
To fix this issue make sure that the cable from the
bottom fan is plugged into the back fan socket CN91
Fan2 on the inverter PCB
Make sure the power is off before touching wait for
60 seconds and make sure all the LEDs are off.
Once the plug is properly connected to the inverter
board the fault should clear.
If a size 16 main outdoor PCB is put into a size 9
outdoor units, you will see this error. It’s because a 9
kW is programmed to have 1 fan motor. The symptoms of the fault will be the same but the
error will not clear when the both the plugs are connected to the inverter board correctly. The
only way to fix this issue is to fit a PCB for a size 16
If a fan motor is faulty you can check it 2 ways, the
easiest is remove the fan blade (it’s a left hand nut)
and turn the fan motor by hand, if its tight the motor is
broken, it should spin easily.
The second is to unplug the motor and measure the