©G Hendra Nov 18
Warm rads in summer
After HW mode is finished the compressor stops and the HW valve close, the heating valve
opens (there is always one valve open) this means any hot water left in the pipework will be
pumped around the heating circuit for the 6-minute run on. Some end users experience a rise
in radiator temp during this period. It’s just the unit getting rid of the excess heat in the water.
The operation of the immersion heater in the Cylinder:
The immersion heater in the cylinder is used primarily for legionella function. However, it has
a second operation helping with the hot water mode.
If you set the hot water set point above
the heat pump cannot achieve the set
temperature, it will always need help from the immersion heater. We advise 48C is the
maximum anyone uses for hot water mode. An average bath is run at less than 41C.
The immersion heater in the cylinder can be controlled in 3 ways:
Using the
button (2
from top right) the mode is changed.
When in eco mode 1 dot shows by the tap on the display, in this mode only the heat pump
heats the water, the immersion is never used.
When in
mode 2 dots show by the tap on the display, in this mode the heat pump heats
the water for a preset time adjusted in field setting
if the cylinder is not up to set point
after this time the immersion heater starts up to help the heat pump.
When in
mode 3 dots show by the tap on the display, in this mode the heat pump and the
immersion heater run together all the time the unit is operating in HW mode.
We recommend
mode is used in all cases, its designed to help the unit get out of HW
mode quickly and return to heating the house. We usually set 20 min delay in 3032 for a 200L
cylinder or 60 mins for a 300L cylinder. The longer the delay the cheaper the system is to run
but the longer it takes to heat the water.