©G Hendra Nov 18
This fault will appear on the outdoor unit PCB display. It means
that there is a connection issue with the compressor or the
compressor has a fault. The first thing to check is if the cable from
the compressor is fully connected to the inverter PCB as shown on
the right hand picture. Make sure the power is off to the inverter
board before touching anything as it runs at 370v. Once the power
is off wait for 60 seconds and make sure all the LEDs are off.
If the cable is fully connected the next thing to check that the cables are correctly installed into
the compressor. First remove the cover from the top of the compressor using a spanner. The
cables should be connected to the compressor like this.
Testing Compressors
If the compressor is noisy it might be broken you need to test it.
Firstly, turn off the power to the outdoor unit, after 60 seconds all the lights will go out, DON’T
TOUCH anything until this happens. Now remove the electrics cover from the top of the
compressor using a spanner and after making a note of where the wires go, disconnect them.
Test 1 Using a meter measure the resistance of the
compressor windings, to do this set your meter to the
ohms or Ω setting; put one lead of the meter on one
compressor terminal and the other on another terminal
as per drawing below.
The reading you should get is approx. 2 Ohms. If its 0 ohms or
more than 10 ohms the compressor is faulty. All 3 readings must
be very similar to each other.
Test 2 you need to do a resistance test from each winding to the earth, measure as before but
put one lead on to the refrigeration pipework and one to each terminal of the compressor in
turn. You should see higher than 10M ohms, if the reading is below 500K ohms the
compressor is faulty. To test the inverter pcb you need to go to the you tube video
Connect black lead to earth, the
refrigeration pipe is perfect