d S
etting Mode
4012 : The temperature of forced heating priority (Refer to 4011)
4013 : If the ambient temperature > 4013, Heating Mode stops in auto mode.
Code 50**
User’s options for extra functions
501*: New target temperatures of each mode (Heating/Cooling/DHW) when “Outing” function is on
5011: Value of cooling leaving water temperature setting when “Outing” function is on
5012: Value of cooling indoor’s room temperature setting when”Outing” function is on
5013: Value of heating leaving water temperature setting when “Outing” function is on
5014: Value of heating indoor’s room temperature setting when”Outing” function is on
5017: Value of Water Law’s floor control (#2041=1) leaving water temperature setting when “Outing”
function is on
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function is on
5019: Value of DHW tank’s temperature setting
5021: Offset temperature setting when Economic DHW operation is on (During Economic DHW
operation, temperature will be automatically set lower by value of #5021(°C) than actual setting)
504*: Smart Grid control
5041: Application of Smart Grid control
5042: Heater application during Smart Grid control
0: Heater off during Smart Grid control
1: Heater control during Smart Grid control
2: Not use
5043: Input Voltage from Smart Grid contact port
0: If Smart Grid Voltage = 0V, Smart Grid Control is Operated
1: If Smart Grid Voltage = 5V, Smart Grid Control is Operated
5061: Water supply capacity ratio compared to heating: The load of hot water tank if designed
heating (floor or Fan coil unit) load is 7
ex) When required heating load is 14000W, required hot water tank load 10000W, 10000/14000x7= Set 5