iDCS 500
MMC: 730
This is a Hotel / Motel software specific MMC.
The COSTING DIAL PLAN is used to analyze the leading dialed digits of a dialed
number and determine what DIAL PLAN it is to follow. Data entry for this program is
in three fields: ENTRY, DIGITS and COST RATE table reference.
DIGITS: Up to 500 entries may be made. Each entry can be up to ten digits. These
are the entries that will be searched to find a match with the digits dialed by the
station making the call. This is a leading digits table and the system will look for the
exact leading digits in the table that match the number dialed. For example, if a user
dials 1305 and the COSTING DIAL PLAN contains 1, 1308 and 1312, the dialed
digits will be matched to 1 because 1308 and 1312 do not form a complete match.
When this table is created by the technician or when any new entries are added, the
system automatically places all entries in numerical order.
Wild cards (
) can be used to represent any digit. The Toll Restriction Wild
Character assignment (MMC 704) is common with Call Costing and Toll Restriction.
When all entries are used, [LAST ENTRY] is displayed.
NOTE: Call Costing is only available on a iDCS 500-L system, therefore this MMC is
not accessible on a iDCS 500-M system.
This shows in the programming display as DP and represents a pattern (1–7, 8).
This pattern is used by MMC 422 TRUNK COST RATE, to determine the correct
billing according to MMC 729 RATE CALCULATION TABLE
When the system finds a DIAL PLAN match for the digits dialed, the system checks
MMC 729 to see what RATE CALCULATION to use for costing the call.
When a station user dials a number, the system will search the COSTING DIAL
PLAN to find a match. If 13056 is dialed and this MMC contains entries 1, 13, 1305
and 1401, 1305 is the closest match and this entry will be selected. If 1305 is dialed
and this MMC contains entries 1, 13, 13056 and 1401, no action will be taken until
the station user dials another digit. If the next digit is 6, the 13056 entry is the
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