6.6 Powering oFF the unit in FAuLt MoDe
If the unit is in “fault Mode”, it will be possible to power Off the unit with the ON/Off Push
(As explained under paragraph 6.1.2, as long as AC input voltage > 140
10 VAC is present,
the unit CANNOT bE POWErED Off using the ON / Off button on the front panel of the unit
or on the optional remote Control EVO-rC (see Appendix A). In order to power off using the
Power ON/Off button, switch Off the AC input first).
6.7 12V, 100mA CAPACity DC SourCe For SignALing
A 12V, 100mA capacity DC source has been provided (16, fig 2.1). This voltage may be
routed through the contacts of the Status relay (14, fig 2.1) to feed 12V ON / Off control
signal to drive circuits of remote monitoring control of the programmable conditions of
operation of the unit (refer to Table 6.6 under relay function).
6.8 StAnDby MoDe
When EVO
is in Standby Mode, it will stop inverting or charging / pass through.
This Mode is required to be switched ON manually during firmware uploading procedure for
Inverter Charger. firmware upload is carried out through the SD Card slot provided
on the optional remote Control Model EVO-rC [9, fig 2.4(a)]. When firmware uploading
procedure is initiated, the user will be prompted to switch ON Standby Mode – message on
the LCD screen on the EVO-rC will show “Press power key to stop inverter”. Once firmware
upload is completed, the EVO
exits the Standby Mode automatically. Please refer to Section
3.4 of the EVO-rC remote Control Owner’s Manual at Appendix A.
Standby Mode may also be used to temporary halt normal operation of the Inverter
Charger without switching Off the unit completely.
for the Standby Mode to be switched ON, the EVO
should be in ON condition and should
be operating in one of the 3 Operating Modes – “Inverting” or “Charging” or “Power Sav-
ing” (See fig 3.1 of the EVO-rC Owner’s Manual at Appendix A). When Standby Mode is
switched ON, the EVO
will exit its Operating Mode.
Standby Mode is toggled between ON and Off conditions as follows:
by momentary pressing (0.1 sec) of ON/Off Push button on the front panel of the unit
(11, fig 2.1)
by momentary pressing (0.1 sec) of ON/Off Push Key on the optional remote Control
EVO-rC [2, fig 2.4(a)]
Operation, Protections and Troubleshooting