• Mount vertically on a vertical surface, see Fig. 3.4. Protect against possibility of small
objects or water entering the ventilation openings on the top. (If necessary, install a
suitable sloping guard at least 200mm from the top surface). Also, ensure there is no
combustible material directly under the unit.
Fig 3.4 Mounting Arrangement 2: on Vertical Surface
3.4 inStALLing bAtterieS - SerieS AnD PArALLeL ConneCtion
batteries are normally available in voltages of 2V, 6V and 12V and with different Ah capacities.
A number of individual batteries can be connected in series and in parallel to form a bank of
batteries with the desired increased voltage and capacity.
3.4.1 Series Connection
Fig 3.5 Series Connection
When two or more batteries are connected in series, their voltages add up but their Ah capacity
remains the same. fig. 3.5 shows 4 pieces of 6V, 200 Ah batteries connected in series to form a
battery bank of 24V with a capacity of 200 Ah. The Positive terminal of battery 4 becomes the
Positive terminal of the 24V bank. The Negative terminal of battery 4 is connected to the Positive
terminal of battery 3. The Negative terminal of battery 3 is connected to the Positive terminal of
battery 2. The Negative terminal of battery 2 is connected to the Positive terminal of battery 1.
The Negative terminal of battery 1 becomes the Negative terminal of the 24V battery bank.
Battery 4
Battery 3
Battery 2
Battery 1
24V Inverter
or 24V Charger
Cable “A”
Cable “B”
10 mm Gap
Top surface of
Drip Shield
(a) non Marine installation
(b) Marine installation