Battery Charging in Evolution
For effective equalization to take place, it is desirable that the batteries undergo a
longer bulk Stage applicable to the deeply discharged condition of the battery.
Please ensure that before the batteries are equalized, they should be deeply
discharged to 20% of its capacity. the Standing Voltage (terminal Voltage after
disconnecting charging source[s] and load[s] for at least 3 hours) at 20% capacity
will be:
12V battery: Around 11.7V
24V battery: Around 23.4V
Do not equalize partially or fully charged batteries
Pour une égalisation efficace, il faut que les batteries subissent à une étape majeure plus long en fonction de
la condition déchargée de la batterie.
Veuillez assurer que les batteries sont profondément déchargées (à 20% de sa capacité), avant de les
égaliser. La tension constante (la tension de la borne après avoir déconnecter toutes sources de charge
pour un minimum de 3 heures) quand elles sont déchargées à à 20% de sa capacité, serait:
Une batterie de 12V: Environ 11,7V
Une batterie de 24V: Environ 23,4V
N’égalisez pas des batteries qui sont partiellement ou complètement chargées
5.8 DetAiLS oF eQuALiZtion MoDe ChArging CyCLe (Fig 5.2)
During the bulk Stage, the charger will charge at the programmed "bULK CUrrENT"
o“) (see programmable range at Table 6.2. Default value is 40A). "bULK CUrrENT"
o”) is normally limited to 10%-20% of the Ah capacity of the battery (20Hr rate).
Higher current may be used if permitted by the battery manufacturer in Equalization
the bulk Stage is displayed as "e-CC" in the Charging Mode screens of the
optional remote Control eVo-rC (Please refer to Section 3.6.1 of owner's Manual
for eVo-rC at Appendix A).
A Software Timer is used to measure the time taken from the time the unit transfers to the
Utility / Generator Mode / enters bulk Stage until the battery charger reaches 0.3V below
the Absorption Voltage, then registered this time as time To. The following times are com-
puted based on the time To:
Absorption Time T1’ = To x 0.5
Equalization Time T2 is then computed based on the following logic:
T2 = T1’ + 1 hr = 0.5 To + 1 hr ; if T1’ < 2 hrs
T2 = T1’ + 2 hrs = 0.5 To + 2 hrs ; if 2 < T1’ < 4 hrs
T2 = T1’ + 4 hrs = 0.5 To + 4 hrs ; if T1’ > 4 hrs
When the battery reaches the programmed Absorption Voltage (see programmable
range and defaults at Table 6.2)
it transitions to the Absorption Stage and remains in this
stage for the computed time T1’.
this stage is displayed as "e-CVA" in the Charging
Mode screens in remote Control eVo-rC (Please refer to Section 3.6.1 of owner's
Manual for eVo-rC at Appendix A).