8000m Series
- 96 -
Comparison method of
user defined output
Factory Setting
Setting Options
Units digit: comparison test
0: Equal (EX==X1)
1: Equal or greater than
2: Equal or less than
3: Interval comparison
4:Bits test (EX&X1=X2)
Tens digit : output method
0: False value output
1: True value output
Unit digit selection defines the comparison method: Take the variable selected by
F6.14 as the test object and compare it with the comparison value set by F6.17 and
Tens digit selection defines output method: Selection of the false or true value
output mode. The false value output mode means if it cannot meet the comparison
condition, it will output, and if it can meet the condition it won’t output. The true
value output mode means if it can meet the comparison condition, it will output,
and if it cannot meet the condition it won’t output.
User defined output
dead zone
Factory Setting
Setting Options
When the comparison method of F6.15 is greater than /equal to or less than or
equal to, F6.16 is used to define the dead zone that take comparison value X1 as
zone center. The dead zone only takes effect for F6.15 comparison method 1 and 2,
not for method 0, 3 and 4. For example, When F6.15 is set as 11, as the EX
increases from zero and become greater than or equal to X1 + F6.30, the output is
valid; when the EX decreased until less than or equal to X1.F6.30, output is