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Victrix 24kW X Instructions
Separated Flue Systems
Separated 80/80 flue kit
This kit enables separation of the exhaust and air intake
pipes as shown in the figure.
Combustion products are expelled from pipe (A) (in
plastic material resistant to acidic condensates). Air is
taken in through pipe (B) (also in plastic material) for
Intake pipe (B) can be installed either on the right or left
hand side of the central exhaust pipe (B). Both pipes
can be oriented in any direction.
Install the flange (4) on the central hole of the boiler in-
serting the seal (1), positioning it with the round protru-
sions downwards in contact with the boiler flange and
tighten using the screws supplied with the kit.
Remove the sealing plate from the air intake and re-
place it with flange (3) inserting seal (2) which is already
fitted on the boiler and tighten using the screws
Insert bends (5) with the male end (smooth) in the fe-
male end of the flanges (3 & 4). Fit the male end of the
intake terminal (6) up to the stop on the female end of
the bend (5), making sure that the relevant internal and
external sealing rings are fitted. Fit the male of the ex-
haust pipe up to the stop on the female end of the bend,
making sure that the internal sealing ring is fitted; this
will ensure a seal and joining of the elements making up
the kit.
A lubricant may assist in overcoming the friction of the seals. Oils and conventional greases are not compatible
with the EPDM seals used and should never be used for this purpose. Silicone sprays are compatible with
EPDM and may be used. Please contact RVR for more information.
A supporting clamp should be installed every three meters. The flue system should be slightly inclined so that
any condensate flows towards the boiler. This avoids any drips from the external flue terminal.
The maximum possible overall length without any bends is 36 straight, horizontal meters or 41 straight,
vertical meters regardless of whether they are used in intake or exhaust. See the section on extended
flue design for more information.