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Victrix 24kW X Instructions
General Installation Information
Gas Supply
The meter and supply pipes must be sized to deliver the gas rate and pressure given on page 3. The
boiler requires at least a 22 mm (3/4”) gas supply pipe. The complete installation, including the meter, must
be tested for gas soundness and purged as described in IS 813:2002.
The boiler requires a 220/240 V ~ 50 Hz mains supply, fused at 3 A.
The boiler must be earthed. The polarity
of the supply must be correct as otherwise the boiler will not operate.
There must only be one common isolator, providing complete electrical isolation, for the boiler and any external
controls. Using PVC insulated cable not less than 0.75 mm² (24 x 0.2 mm) to BS 6500 Table 16, the boiler should
be connected to a fused three pin plug and unswitched shuttered socket outlet (both complying with BS 1363), or a
fused double pole switch with a contact separation of at least 3 mm in both poles. Wiring external to the boiler
must be in accordance with the current IEE Wiring Regulations.
External controls connected to the boiler must be of the volt free type and are connected to terminals 40 and 41 as
shown above.
DHW Sensor
If the boiler’s hot water priority feature is to be used, then the optional DHW sensor must be mounted on the hot
water heating tank and connected to terminals 36 and 37. If this cable is routed in close proximity to cables carry-
ing mains voltages, then screened cable should be used. The resistor connected to terminals 36 and 37 to be re-
moved in this case.
Weather Compensation:
A temperature sensor for outdoors is available as an optional accessory for the boiler. This should be fitted in an
outdoor location which is not exposed to direct sunlight. A north facing wall is a good location. If the optional
weather compensation sensor is used, it should be connected to terminals 38 and 39 as shown above using a two
core cable. If this cable is routed in close proximity to cables carrying mains voltages, then screened cable should
be used. Contact RVR for more information.
When the sensor is connected, the boiler adapts it’s flow temperature to suit the prevailing weather conditions.
This results in lower energy usage and enhanced comfort.
Warning! - Connection of a voltage to any boiler terminals other than the mains lead will result in destruc-
tion of the boiler control panel. The product warranty does not cover this type of damage.
Clearances and Air Supply
The boiler does not require any air vents for cooling in the room in which it is installed or when installed in a cup-
board or compartment. The minimum clearances for servicing must always be maintained. Please see table on
page 3.
A cupboard or compartment used to enclose the boiler must be designed and constructed specifi-
cally for the purpose.