MH 3 Beam user manual
This section describes DMX-controllable effects that require particular
explanation. See DMX protocol on page 30 for a full list of the DMX channels
and values required to control the different effects.
Lamp control
The fixture can be set up to turn the lamp on or off depending on whether or
not a DMX signal is present. The fixture can also be setup to enable lamp off
commands via DMX control.
An ignition delay of 0 to 255 seconds can be set, so that there is a delay
between power on and lamp on.
A low power delay can also be defined where the lamp runs at half power for a
period before shutting off when a lamp off command is issued.
For more information, see Lamp settings on page 18.
Pan & tilt
The fixture’s moving head can be panned through 540° and tilted through 270°
using coarse or fine control channels. The fixture can be set to automatically
blackout during pan and tilt movement. A range of pan/tilt macros is available.
The fixture incorporates pan and tilt feedback, so that if a pan or tilt position
error is detected, the shutter closes and the fixture resets to the correct
position. This can be enabled or disabled as required (see