KT332N Cutting &engraving control system user manual V1.1
the controller will not detect
The laser frequency is used to set the pulse frequency of the control signal used by the laser.
The glass tube is generally set to about 20KHZ and the RF tube is generally set to about 5KHZ.
The maximum / minimum power (%) is used to set the limit power value of the laser. That is,
during operation, the maximum power set by the user cannot be higher than the maximum power
set, and the minimum power set by the user cannot be lower than the minimum power set. If the
power has decayed after using the laser for a period of time, the laser power can be fine-tuned
by setting the laser attenuation coefficient. In the case of no attenuation, the attenuation
coefficient is 0.
If only a single laser tube is configured, only one laser parameter is
Other vendor parameters
Machine configuration
Machine Type
In most cases, a general engraving machine should be selected, and
other models are specific models.
Transmission mode
In general, the "belt stepping type" should be selected. When
other types are selected, the control algorithm will change slightly.
Feeding mode
Unidirectional / bidirectional optional. When feeding in a single
direction, the coordinates can be checked in one direction without checking the
coordinates. When selecting two-way feeding, the system will check the maximum and
minimum coordinates. The initial direction of a time can be changed by setting the
direction polarity or modifying the positive and negative values of the feeding length.
This parameter takes effect only after "Z axis function" is configured as "feed axis".
Power-off delay
0 ~ 3000ms can be set. After the power shut down, the system power
supply will not immediately drop to 0V. There is a delay during this period. The delay
value set here should be basically the same as the actual power off delay value. If the
set value has a large deviation, when the power is turned on and off, the graphics
processed for the second time and the graphics before power off are either not closed
or overlapped.
After the configuration parameters in the vendor parameters, such as
directional polarity, control method, laser type and laser frequency are
modified.The modification takes effect after the reset.
Enable parameter
Enable cover protection
If this option is enabled, the controller must be connected to
the cover protection circuit, otherwise the machine will not work
Enable the auxiliary air control
If you want to use the Wind signal of the output port
to control the fan switch in layers, you must enable this parameter. Otherwise, the Wind
signal outputs other signals.