8. Logging
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
Figure 8.6. Remote Server Selector form
Synopsis: integer
The log selector identifier. Enter an integer greater than 0; up to 8 selectors can be added. The log
selector determines which subsystem messages are included in the log.
Excludes messages defined in the Remote Server Selector fields from the log. Selecting this option
acts as a logical NOT for the selector definition.
For example: Selecting same, debug, and mail in the Comparison, Level, and Facility-list fields
includes debug messages from the mail subsystem in the log. Selecting Negate excludes debug
messages from the mail subsystem from the log.
Synopsis: string - one of the following keywords { same, same_or_higher }
Default: same_or_higher
The message severity levels to include in the log:
• same: includes only messages of the severity level selected in the Level field.
• same_or_higher: includes messages of the severity level selected in the Level field, and all
messages of higher severity.
For example:
• Selecting debug in the Level field and same in the Comparison field includes only debug
messages in the log.
• Selecting debug in the Level field and same_or_higher in the Comparison field includes debug
and all higher severity messages in the log.
Synopsis: string - one of the following keywords { all, none, debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit,
alert, emerg }
Default: all
The base message severity level to include in the log. all includes all messages. none excludes all
messages. Other levels are listed in order of increasing severity.