34. Dynamic Routing
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
34.4.1. OSPF Configuration
Figure 34.10. OSPF Configuration Form
Enable OSPF
Enables the OSPF dynamic routing protocol.
ABR Type
Synopsis: string - one of the following keywords { standard, shortcut, ibm, cisco }
Default: cisco
The OSPF ABR type.
Auto Cost Reference Bandwidth
Synopsis: unsigned integer
Default: 100
Calculates the OSPF interface cost according to bandwidth [1-4294967 Mbps]
Compatible with RFC1583
Enables the compatibility with the obsolete RFC1583 OSPF (the current is RFC2178)
Default Information Originate
Advertises the default route.
Default Metric
Synopsis: unsigned integer
The default metric of redistribute routes.