24. Port Security
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
Shutdown Enable
Enables/disables administative shutdown if a security violation occurs.
24.2.2. 802.1X Parameters
Figure 24.7. 802.1x Parameters form
Transmission Period
Synopsis: integer
Default: 30
IEEE 802.1X PAE (Port Access Entity) parameters
Synopsis: integer
Default: 60
The period of time not to attempt to acquire a supplicant after the authorization session failed.
Enables or disables periodic reauthentication
Synopsis: integer
Default: 3600
The time between successive reauthentications of the supplicant.
Reauthorization Max Attempts
Synopsis: integer
Default: 2
The number of reauthentication attempts that are permitted before the port becomes unauthorized.