Smart Positioner
YT-3700 / 3750
Product Manual
Ver. 1.03
8.10.4 Back Calculation (bACKCAL oFF / on)
This function recalculates the output "RUN AP" value changed by the flow characteristics setting
mode to display it linearly proportional to actual input current. For example, if the flow characteristic
mode is set from "LIN" to "EQ", when an input current value of 8 mA (25 %) is applied, the target
position is changed to 6.25 % and "RUN AP" is displayed as 6.25 % after the move. If you change
the bACKCAL from OFF to ON, the "RUN AP" is displayed as 25 %.
3 seconds
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
3 times