Smart Positioner
YT-3700 / 3750
Product Manual
Ver. 1.03
Input Configuration(IN CFG)
Followings are the values changeable at the Input Configuration Mode.
1) Signal Direction (SIG NORM / REVS)
2) Split Range Mode (SPLIT)
3) Custom Split Range Zero (CST ZERO)
4) Custom Split Range End (CST ENd)
5) Characterization Curves (CHAR)
6) User Set Characterization 5 Points (U5)
7) User Set Characterization 21 Points (U21)
8) Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)
9) Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)
10) Target Position Ramp Up Rate (RAMP UP) and Target Position Ramp Down Rate (RAMP dN)
11) Digital Input Function (dIF)
12) Digital Input Logic (dI LOGIC)
Signal Direction (SIG NORM / REVS)
This function changes the action type of the valve, NORM or REV. if NORM is selected, the air is
completely released through output port 1 of the positioner when 4mA is applied, and the maximum
air pressure is loaded to the actuator through output port 1. If set to REV, the maximum air pressure
is loaded to the actuator via output port 1 when an input current of 4 mA is applied to the positioner.
3 seconds
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
3 times