Smart Positioner
YT-3700 / 3750
Product Manual
Ver. 1.03
Output Configuration (OUT CFG)
Followings are the values changeable at the Output Configuration Mode.
1) Position Transmitter Direction (PTM NORM / REVS)
2) Position Transmitter Zero / End (PTM ZERO / ENd)
3) HART Feedback Direction (HT NORM / REVS)
4) Back Calculation (bACKCAL oFF / on)
5) Digital Output Function (dOF oFF / on)
6) Digital Output Logic (dO LOGIC)
7) Analog Output Function (AOF oFF / on)
8) Analog Output Logic (AO LOGIC)
8.10.1 Position Transmitter Direction (PTM NORM / REVS)
The analog feedback signal from the positioner can be changed to normal (NORM) or reverse
(REVS), which means they are the same or reversed direction as the actual position.
3 seconds
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
3 times