Average Temperature with
Hot Backup and Drift Alert
(Option Code U2)
This configuration is ideal for critical applications such as safety
interlocks and control loops. The Model 3244MV transmitter should be
used in conjunction with a dual-element sensor or two sensing elements
measuring the same process temperature. This configuration will
output the average of the two measurements and send an alert if the
temperature difference between the two measurements exceeds the set
maximum differential. If a sensor fails, an alert will be sent and the
primary variable will hold the measurement of the working sensor.
Two Independent Sensors
(Option Code U4)
Sensor 1 will be configured as the primary (4–20 mA) variable in this
configuration and Sensor 2 will be configured as the secondary variable.
This configuration may be useful in non-critical applications which use
the digital output to measure two separate process temperatures.
Differential Temperature
(Option Code U5)
The differential temperature of two process temperatures will be
configured as the primary (4–20 mA) variable in this configuration.
Average Temperature
(Option Code U6)
This configuration can be used when the average measurement of two
different process temperatures is needed. If a sensor fails, an alert will
be sent and the primary variable will hold the measurement of the
working sensor.
Default Drift Alert Configuration: Temperature difference limit = 3 °C (5.4 °F), Damping = 5 seconds
Option Code U2
3244MV Custom Output Configuration
Primary Variable (4–20 mA)
Sensor Average
Secondary Variable
Sensor 1
Tertiary Variable
Sensor 2
Quaternary Variable
Terminal Temperature
Option Code U4
3244MV Custom Output Configuration
Primary Variable (4–20 mA)
Sensor 1
Secondary Variable
Sensor 2
Tertiary Variable
Terminal Temperature
Quaternary Variable
Not Used
Option Code U5
3244MV Custom Output Configuration
Primary Variable (4–20 mA)
Differential Temperature
Secondary Variable
Sensor 1
Tertiary Variable
Sensor 2
Quaternary Variable
Terminal Temperature
Option Code U6
3244MV Custom Output Configuration
Primary Variable (4–20 mA)
Sensor Average
Secondary Variable
Sensor 1
Tertiary Variable
Sensor 2
Quaternary Variable
Terminal Temperature