Term used to describe instruments that are microprocessor-based and
feature advanced communications capabilities.
Rosemount pressure, temperature, level, and flow instruments with
microprocessor-based digital electronics.
Algebraic difference between the upper and lower range values.
Eight-character field for identifying the transmitter. The tag is stored
in the transmitter and can be changed using a HART communicator
and the transmitter information function.
Transmitter Address
Unique two-digit number used to identify a multidropped transmitter.
Transmitter Memory
Nonvolatile memory location in the transmitter that stores
configuration data.
Transmitter Security
Hardware-selectable feature that prevents accidental or deliberate
changes to configuration data.
Upper Range Limit (URL)
Highest value of the measured variable that the transmitter can
measure. The limit of the current sensor.
Upper Range Value (URV)
Highest value of the measured variable that the transmitter is
currently configured to measure in the loop output (the 20 mA set
point). Digital output is not affected by the URV.
Working Register
Memory location in a HART communicator that temporarily stores data
as it is being entered.