Burn Injury Prediction (according to ISO 13506 clause 9.5.3)
1st˚ Burn
2nd˚ Burn
3rd˚ Burn
2nd˚ and 3rd˚
Remarks to take into account when interpreting these results :
These results were obtained using the specifi c test conditions and
do not necessarily represent the behaviour of the clothing system
under other conditions of use.
The fi t of the garments has an important bearing on the heat
transfer results obtained during the test. For this test the coverall and
undergarments were considered to be a ‘good’ fi t.
It must be stressed that whilst the test conditions used can be
considered very severe there may be occasions where the clothing
system is subjected to even greater challenge which could result in
serious injury to the wearer.
The RALPH manikin together with the associated test facility has
been built to comply with ISO 13506. Not all manikin test systems
fully comply with ISO 13506 and, therefore, currently results from the
various manikins will not necessarily be the same. It is very important
when comparing manikin test results to take into account which ‘skin
model’ has been used to calculate the percentage burn injury results.
These particular test results must be considered as indicative
only in that no replicate testing was carried out or because the
undergarments have an infl uence on the results.
Correct use of the garments
Even while wearing appropriate protective clothing, you need to
be aware of the fact that your safety can not be guaranteed in all
circumstances and that you remain responsible for your own safety.
Please do take the following into account :
These garments are designed to protect the whole of your body.
Therefore it is necessary that you wear a full body suit (coverall or
2-piece suit). In the case of a 2-piece suit, the parts of the suit can be
sold or delivered separately.
In order to be protected during your activities, it is crucial that you
keep the garments closed at all times. This also means that you need
to use the adjustments provided at your wrists, ankles, waist and so
on. These adjustments ensure a good contact between your body
and the conductive material, which is essential to obtain discharge of
electrostatic charges.
Furthermore this will prevent (welding) spatter to enter into the
garments causing burn injuries.
In the design of 2-piece suits (jacket and trousers) a minimum
overlap of 20 cm is ensured and this during all foreseeable movements.
Take this minimum overlap into account while choosing your correct
size. For this reason a pilot jack can only be combined with bib&brace
At the design stage the manufacturer ensured that all metallic parts
are covered during the normal use - this to prevent the generation
of sparks. Do make sure that while wearing this clothing all metallic
parts of accessories (for instance the buckle of a belt) are covered at
all times. Also make sure that these protective garments completely
cover your underlying clothing at all times (this means also when bent
over for instance).
To ensure discharge of electrostatic charges, the garments need
to be earthed one way or the other (maximum resistance 108 Ohm).
Contact between the conductive garments and conductive footwear
will certainly enhance this discharge. In any case, a correct earthing
is essential.
If the garment has a hood, make sure the hood is either worn
correctly (with the adjustments provided) or tucked away in the collar
(if that is possibility is provided), during your activities.
Pockets and/or side openings shall be closed at all times to prevent
(welding) spatter from entering your pockets and thus causing a
risk for your safety. If your trousers or bib&brace have side pockets
without fl ap, make sure these are covered by your jacket (or other
suitable clothing) at all times during your activities.
Folds have been avoided in the design of the garments to prevent
(welding) spatter getting caught in them. Take the same precaution
while wearing the clothing. If, for instance, your sleeves or trouser
legs are too long, do not fold them over causing turn-ups towards the
outside of the garment. In that case contact the responsible person
in your company.
wearing other garments or equipment (such as breathing apparatus
or a backpack) over the high-visibility garments may affect the
effectiveness of these garments.
For trousers or bib&brace pants you will make sure that the
retro-refl ective tapes are not covered by a jacket (or other pieces of
clothing) unless the jacket or other garments are part of the complete
visibility protection.
Do take into consideration that :
o Cars need time to come to a complete stand still (even if the driver is
made aware of the obstacle on time).
o Visual signalisation of your presence might be obstructed or
diminished by different obstacles such as :
Tools of all kinds
Natural elements such as trees or bushes
External lighting in the environment (streetlights for example)
o Weather conditions will have an infl uence on your visibility : rain
or fog will shorten the distance that you are visible wearing these
• If your garment contains fl uo-red material, it is possible that during
the lifetime of the garment this colour shifts to fl uo-orange. This
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