Calling up other locomotives already entered in the library
Locomotives in the library are
in the order in which they were entered. You can of course change this
Select locomotive
These key combinations (press keys together) move the locomotive up or down in the library. You can check
the new order for the library with the arrow keys.
Entering a new locomotive
(in the example, the DR 120 series “Taigatrommel” diesel locomotive):
Display message
You can find the free memory slot marked
“NEW ?” by scrolling through the library
using the arrow keys.
Confirm by pressing “OK.”
You then enter the locomotive name. 5
characters are available. In our example
we have abbreviated “Taigatrommel” to
The first character is displayed with a flash-
ing cursor.
You use the “function keys” 1 –0 to make
the input in the same way as writing a text
message on a mobile phone: Press the
respective key repeatedly until the desired
character appears. The cursor flashes and
freezes briefly after the correct character
has been entered before jumping to the
next character place.
To enter a space, press the “0” key once,
to get the “0”, press the key twice. Spe-
cial characters (/, –, \,
, [ , ], ‹, ›) can be
entered by repeatedly pressing the “1” key.
Correct input errors by using the left “arrow
key” to move back one or more spaces.