- Manual
Single sensors do not record values.
Control whether the cables are connected correctly. Are the in- and output
plugs used in the right way? The diodes will help you: Only the last sensor
one in the chain may show an orange light, all others must be green. Control
all contacts for any disturbance by dirt or dust.
-software does not record any values.
(Different causes are possible)
Please check whether the measurement has been started in the Software
Reset the system by pushing the Reset button at the Battery Pack.
Check, whether the COM-port is open. This is indicated in the status line at
the bottom of the program window. If the port is not open, please check
whether it is switched off (refer the device manager from the Windows
control panel) or possibly used by another program. If necessary, restart
the PC.
Set the energy supply of your notebook to maximum power (Windows
control panel). Explanation: Some Notebooks switch off the serial port,
when used in battery mode.
Check the state of charge at the battery pack. Recharge the battery if
Multiple measurements at a sensor deliver severely differing values
and a high error percentage.
Make sure you are using the same force for all hammer hits. A hit must be
short and precise.
The impulse velocities are very low and indicate wood degradation
while other measurement techniques (e.g. RESISTOGRAPH) do not
support this result.
Please check, if all sensors are attached correctly to the wood. The pins must
penetrate the bark completely and must be fixed in the wood. If this is not
the case, unreliable measurements will be the result. Delete these values from
the table of impulse velocities (Strg+Del) and repeat the measurement.