- Manual
Step 4:
Go to tablet „Radix“ and insert in front of which sensor in what distance the metal
pole will be placed for the first measurement.. Save this position by clicking „new
position“. This position should be in one line with the rot butts and if necessary in
Step 5:
Hit on one sensor to start the sensor recognition again. It is possible that you have to
reconnect the port between PC and Battery Pack.
Step 6:
Start the measurement by clicking on the green arrow and hit on the head of the
metal pole quite strongly.
Always stand between the pole and the tree to avoid
sound transmission through the air.
If a signal reaches one or more sensors of
the tree, you will hear a high pitched tone. If you do not get a signal you will hear a
low-pitched tone. In this case either no roots are in the area underneath the pole, the
roots are deeper than the impulse can reach or the soil did not carry the impulse
properly (for example in sandy grounds).
Again, sensors that received a signal will show a blue light, sensors that did not
receive a signal will show a red light while measuring.
Step 7:
You can see the results of the measurement in the image in the program now. As
before, red or purple lines represent slow values, green or blue lines represent fast
values. If a number is not connected to the tree with a line, no impulse did reach a
sensor on the tree from this position.
Step 8:
If you have gotten enough signals from the position at which you did the
measurement, stop the measurement by clicking on the red square and move
backwards from the tree by about one meter. Now insert this new position into the
program, click “new position” and start the new measurement by clicking on the
green arrow again
Repeat Step 8 until no signals reach the tree anymore.
As already mentioned for the impulse tomography of the tree the results of the
measurement need to be analyzed by an expert, who will judge the tree by taking all
the circumstances at the location under consideration.