Installation & Servicing Instructions Rinnai E-Series
The following is a list of approved system cleaners, inhibitors, and antifreeze.
Approved antifreeze:
• Rhomar RhoGard Mutli-Metal (AL safe)
• Sentinel X500
• Noble Noburst AL
• Fernox Alphi 11
Approved system cleaner:
• Noble Noburst Hydronic System Cleaner
• Fernox F3 Cleaner
• Rhomar Hydro-Solv 9100
• Sentinel X400
The system cleaners from NoBurst, Rhomar, and Fernox are NOT to be used in
the boiler. The boiler must be closed off (valved off ) from the rest of the system
or not connected while the cleaners are in the system. The system should then
be drained and then thoroughly fl ushed with clean water to remove all the
system cleaner.
Approved inhibitors:
• Rhomar Pro-tek 922
• Sentinel X100
• Noble Noburst AL inhibitor
Appendix C -
Approved system cleaners, inhibitors and antifreeze