Installation & Servicing Instructions Rinnai E-Series
6.7.2 d
Boiler Exhaust Vent Hanger and Support (Rigid Pipes)
The purpose of this section is to provide more information about Rinnai’s requirement
that the vent system installed with the Rinnai boiler must be appropriately supported.
As we state elsewhere in this manual, "place pipe supports every 4 feet (1219 mm)
of horizontal run, beginning with the support near the boiler to prevent movement in
fi ttings and allow boiler to be free from any strain or weight on boiler or fi ttings." For
Horizontal pipes, the fi rst support should be placed as close as possible after the fi rst
elbow. These required vent supports are critical to prevent movement in fi ttings and
to allow the boiler to be free from any strain or weight associated with the installed
fi ttings and/or vent pipe system.
Installation of the venting system MUST comply with the respective vent manufacturer’s
instructions. Additionally, to ensure structural integrity, the installer MUST select
hangers, supports, and restraints which are able to withstand all static and dynamic
loading conditions which act upon the vent piping system and the associated Rinnai
boiler. Hangers, supports, and restraints shall be 100% corrosion proof, UV resistant,
and impact resistant.
Exhaust vent pipe MUST be securely fastened to the structure to avoid movement.
The fi rst hanger support MUST be located directly after the fi rst elbow on the fi rst
horizontal vent section or as close thereto as possible to ensure no movement. (see
example below). Use hangers that will not score or damage vent pipes and are
accepted by local codes.
The information provided is an eff ort to assist you in better understanding the
requirements to secure the venting. This document has been compiled from generally
accepted engineering principles and standards from the American National Standards
Institute and other pertinent documents. The specifi cations herein are intended as
a guide only and it is the responsibility of the engineer/designer or installer to select
appropriate support and to use this guide in conjunction with all applicable codes
and/or standards.
Recommended pipe hanger and support for PVC/CPVC pipes
fi gure 13M