Installation & Servicing Instructions Rinnai E-Series
a. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment is installed
in a crawl space or an attic, the hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm
and battery back-up may be installed on the next adjacent fl oor level.
b. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can not be met at the time
of completion of installation, the owner shall have a period of thirty (30} days to
comply with the above requirements; provided, however, that during said thirty
(30} day period, a battery operated carbon monoxide detector with an alarm shall
be installed.
detector as required in accordance with the above provisions shall comply with
NFPA 720 and be ANSI/UL 2034 listed and IAS certifi ed.
Description of the boiler
The Rinnai E-Series Combi boiler is a modulating condensing central heating boiler,
with an integrated DHW capability.
The boiler is provided with a compact stainless steel heat exchanger with smooth
The boiler burns gas to supply heat. The heat is transferred in the heat exchanger
to the water in the central heating system. By cooling down the exhaust gases
condensate is formed. This results in high effi ciency. The condensate, which has
no eff ect on the heat exchanger and the function of the boiler, is drained through a
condensate collector trap.
The boiler is provided with an intelligent control system (CMS Control Management
System). The boiler anticipates the heat demand of the central heating system or the
domestic hot water system.
When an outdoor sensor is connected to the boiler it will operate weather dependantly
using outdoor reset. This means that the boiler control measures the outside
temperature and supply temperature. With this data the boiler calculates the optimal
supply temperature for the installation. Outdoor reset lowers the boilers heating supply
temperature when the weather is warmer, matching the heat loss of the building and
maximizing effi ciency.
Explanation of the appliance type:
Rinnai E110CRN
E = Type
110 = Nominal load in (x1000) BTU
C = C = Combi
N = Natural Gas (P = Propane Gas)
Diff erent boilertypes:
Retrieves heat as much
as possible from the fl ue
gasses. Water condenses on
the heat exchanger.
Stepless higher or lower
burning according to the heat
Combi boiler with integrated DHW capability