Installation & Servicing Instructions Rinnai E-Series
4. Connect drain hose (H3) to service valve (V2).
5. Pour approximately 4 gallons of virgin, food grade, white vinegar or citric acid into
6. Place the drain hose (H3) and the hose (H2) to the pump (CP) inlet into the cleaning
7. Open both service valves (V1 and V2) on the hot water and cold water lines.
8. Operate the pump (CP) and allow the cleaning solution to circulate through the
brazed plate heat exchanger for at least 45 minutes.
9. Turn off the pump (CP).
10. Rinse the cleaning solution from the brazed plate heat exchanger as follows:
a. Remove the free end of the drain hose (H3) from the pail
b. Close service valve, (V2), and open shutoff valve, (V4). Do not open shutoff
valve, (V3).
c. Disconnect both H1 and H3 from the service valves
d. Connect H3 to V1 and place the end of the hose in a drain
e. Allow water to fl ow through the brazed plate heat exchanger for 5 minutes
f. Close service valve, (V1), and open shutoff valve, (V3).
11. Disconnect all hoses.
Flushing and draining
fi gure 38