Do not use excessively softened water. Excessive water sof-
tening (total hardness < 5° f) results in corrosion due to con-
tact with metal elements (pipes or thermal module com-
Immediately repair any leaks or drips that could result in air
entering the system
Excessive pressure fluctuations can cause stress and fatigue
to the heat exchanger. Keep the operating pressure con-
Water used to fill a system for the first time and water used
to top it up must always be filtered (using synthetic or metal
mesh filters with a filtration rating of no less than 50 mi-
crons) to prevent sludge from forming and triggering de-
posit corrosion.
If oxygen enters a circuit continuously or even intermittently
(e.g. in under-floor heating systems whose pipes are not
protected by impermeable synthetic sheaths, in circuits with
open expansion vessels, or in circuits that require frequent
top-ups) always separate the boiler’s water circuit from the
central heating circuit.
It is prohibited to top up the heating system constantly or
frequently, since this can damage the thermal module's
heat exchanger. The use of automatic topping up systems
should be avoided for this reason.
To sum up, in order to eliminate contact between air and water
(and to prevent the latter from becoming oxidized), it is neces-
− that the expansion system be a closed vessel, correctly
sized and with the correct pre-loading pressure (to be
regularly checked);
− that the system be always at a pressure higher than the
atmospheric one at any point (including the pump suc-
tion side) and under any operating conditions (all seals
and hydraulic couplings in a system are designed to
withstand pressure towards the outside, but not under-
− the installation be not made with gas-permeable mate-
rials (e.g. plastic pipes without oxygen barrier for under-
floor heating systems)
Damages suffered by the thermal module, caused by en-
crustations and corrosion, are not covered by warranty. In
addition, the non compliance of the water requirements
listed in this chapter will void the appliance warranty itself.
System filling and emptying
The thermal module
Condexa PRO
must be provided with a
charging system to be connected to the appliance's return line.
Before filling or emptying the system, switch the system's mas-
ter switch to the OFF position and the thermal module's master
switch to (
− Make sure that drain cocks (1) are closed before you start
loading the system
Condexa PRO 35 P - Condexa PRO 50 P
Condexa PRO 57 P ÷ Condexa PRO 135