Ricoma Quick Start Guide
Reasons why thread breaks occur
1. Thick fabric: If the fabric is too thick, needles will tend to bend slightly as thread passes through.
This causes the thread to scrape against the needle plate, shredding the thread. To correct this
issue, replace the existing needle with a larger needle.
2. Hidden obstructions in the garment: Obstructions such as bulky seams, inside pockets and
hidden buttons, may cause thread breaks.
3. Improper hooping: Make sure the item is hooped properly. Loosely hooped fabric will bounce up
and down during sewing.
4. Excessive backing: Excessive backing results in thread and needle breaks, as it applies greater
friction to the thread and needle.
5. Very high density designs: Designs with high thread densities may cause needle deflection,
which leads to thread shredding and thread breaks. Small designs with high densities pack too
many stitches in a small area, causing thread breaks.
6. Extremely short stitch lengths: Short stitch lengths may cause thread to pile up in one area.
Also called “nesting,” this issue may result in thread shredding and thread breaks. Try deleting
short stitches or increasing the design by 5 to 10 percent.
Thread break prevention
1. Proper thread care is necessary to prevent thread breaks. We recommend storing thread in a dark,
cool place. Old threads that have not been stored properly will cause thread breaks. Prolonged
exposure to air, light, age and heat will cause threads to become brittle. If this occurs, replace the
old thread and store the new thread in a dark, cool place.
2. Do not use tape to tie off thread ends. Tape leaves a sticky residue that causes friction and thread
3. Check for burrs in the thread guides, needle eye, thread plate and hook.
4. Oiling your machine is essential to keep your machine running smoothly. Keeping your rotary
hook area clean with a hook cleaner is also vital, especially if you are using adhesive stabilizer
or spray that leaves behind a residue that causes your thread to shred. Refer to the maintenance