User Manual
©2012-13 Richard Paul Russell Limited, New Harbour Building, Bath Road, Lymington SO41 3SE United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 1590 679755 Fax +44 (0) 1590 688577 e-mail [email protected] web www.r-p-r.co.uk
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017SL167/3 04/09/13
By default, the start character or string of characters (STX) is not recorded with the data sample.
To change this setting, please refer to section 5.4.
If the logger was required to record the position from a GPS every 10 seconds, the following could
be specified to record every 10
RMC sentence of an NMEA data stream:
To Enable Recording of Second Data Sample
A second data sample may be defined exactly as above but using commands STX2 and ETX2.
The default values are as per the primary STX and ETX commands; start character (STX2) is
<STX> (2) and end character (ETX2) is <LF> (10).
The recording of this second data sample may be enabled by using the following SETUP.TXT
command line:
Where s = Y or N
If s =
, after detection of the primary data sample (defined by STX and ETX)
the logger will expect the sample defined by STX2 and ETX2
If s =
, the logger will not record the sample defined by STX2 and ETX2
This second data sample (defined by STX2 and ETX2) will be appended to the first sample
(defined by STX and ETX), rather than being independently time & date stamped.
The SpaceLogger.S10 will only monitor for this second data sample once the first data sample has
been detected.
When only one RS232 input is connected, the SpaceLogger.S10 will look for both data samples in
the data stream received on the RS232 Input 1.
When both RS232 inputs are connected, the SpaceLogger.S10 will expect the second sample to be
within the data received on RS232 Input 2. For details on how to enable RS232 Input 2, please
refer to command RX2 in section 5.6.
The data samples may be comma separated via command SEPARATOR – please refer to section
After the first data sample is received, a timer may be enabled with a timeout (in seconds) in the
event that the second data sample is not output. This timeout enables the logger to reset to wait for
a new first data sample again. Please refer to section 5.7.