CW-80 Checkweigher Installation/Service Manual
Table 7-1. (continued)
TOL (tolerance) output format
is a 1-character field for CW-80 status transmitted during
continuous (PFUNCT=CONT) transmit mode only:
for Motion status, scale is not at standstill.
for Overload, out of range indication.
<sp> ASCII (20 Hex) for Standstill, in range
is either <CR> or <CR><LF>, depending on serial port
setting for End of Line Termination.
Units = lb and oz
Print Format:
is the ASCII “START OF TEXT” character (02 Hex).
is the polarity indicator, 1 single character:
ASCII 20H (space) if positive weight reading
ASCII 2DH (minus sign) if negative weight reading
1- to 3-character field (dependent on scale capacity) for
pound weight in lb and oz mode. Leading 0’s to be transmit-
ted as spaces (20 Hex).
2- to 5-character field (dependent on scale capacity)
including decimal point for ounce weight in lb and oz
weighing mode. Data is right justified, with leading zeros
padded with spaces.
is the ASCII “SPACE” character (20 Hex).
is the 2-character indication of current weighing mode:
for gross weights
for net weights
is the 1-character indication of Over/Accept/Under status:
O if Over LED is illuminated.
A if Accept LED is illuminated.
U if Under LED is illuminated.
is a 1-character field for CW-80 status transmitted during
continuous (PFUNCT=CONT) transmit mode only:
for Motion status, scale is not at standstill
for Overload, out of range indication
<sp> ASCII (20 Hex) for Standstill, in range reading
is either <CR> or <CR><LF>, depending on serial port
setting for End of Line Termination
TOL Sample Print Outs
TOL Gross Accept (lb and oz):
5 LB 2.10 OZ GRA
TOL Net Over (lb and oz):
5 LB 4.18 OZ NTO