XL80 laser system
Care and handling
Why recalibrate?
As with any calibration equipment, it is recommended that the XL laser is
periodically recalibrated to give confidence that the system:
is currently still within original specified (or required) performance
is likely to remain within its specified (or required) performance until its
next recalibration
This is why recalibration of calibration test equipment is a mandatory
requirement of most quality management/assurance systems�
An added benefit of periodic calibration is that the inspection Renishaw
carries out when recalibrating your XL laser can reveal any otherwise
unidentified accidental damage. The recalibration procedure includes
general cleaning�
Compared to your investment in the measurement system, staff and
procedures, periodic recalibration is a modest additional cost and could
prevent far more serious and costly problems arising later�
Recalibration periods
The Renishaw recommended recalibration period for an XL laser is 3 years�
This is 3 years from sale by Renishaw rather than from factory
calibration date as stated on the calibration certificates supplied with the
new equipment, since the units are stored under controlled conditions by
Renishaw prior to sale�
Renishaw recalibration periods are only a recommendation and are based on
typical use of the equipment in a typical environment� Under such conditions
your XL laser should still be performing within Renishaw’s specification at the
end of this period�
However, there are several factors that may generate the need for more or
less frequent calibrations including:
Environmental conditions
Frequency and duration of use
Harsh treatment of the equipment during storage, transportation or use
Level of accuracy required by the user
The requirements of company QA procedures and/or local regulations
Ultimately it is for you to determine the appropriate calibration period
after taking into account your own operational environment and
performance requirements�