RX62T YROTATE-IT-RX62T Motor Control Kit
Page 35 of 51
Jan 15, 2014
Alarm 2:
The alarm 2 is called “hardware overcurrent” and described in the software by “FAULT_ALL”. This alarm is produced
by the microcontroller peripheral called Port Output Enable (POE) in case of external overcurrent signal. The
hardware overcurrent is producing a falling edge input on the POE pin. Furthermore, if the hardware level of the
PWM output pin is not coherent with the level imposed by software, the alarm 2 will also be triggered.
The LED DL4 is quickly blinking on the main board to indicate that an alarm is set.
The only way to clear the alarm is to reset the board by using the reset button on the PCB or by switching off the
supply and on again.
Finally, one of the root causes of the Alarm 2 is a hardware defect or a wrong behavior of the current control. So
please also check the setting of the current PI coefficients that are stored in EEPROM or used in real-time.
Alarm 3:
The alarm 3 is called “loss of phase” and described in the software by “TRIP_ALL”. This alarm is produced when the
sensorless position detection algorithm is producing inconsistent results. It means that the rotor position is unknown
due to a lack of accuracy, so the motor is stopped.
The LED DL4 is quickly blinking on the main board to indicate that an alarm is set.
This alarm can be reset by setting the speed reference to zero on the PC GUI.
Please find below an extract of the header file “const_def.h”:
#define EQP_ALL
// EEPROM alarm code
#define FAULT_ALL
// overcurrent hardware alarm code (POE)
#define TRIP_ALL
// loss of phase alarm code
Finally, the PC GUI button called “parameters setting” is used to enter and modify the motor and applications
parameters. The list of parameters that can be changed in real-time are displayed in the PC GUI.
In case of issue or inconsistent parameters, please enter the magic number “33” in the first line called: “00. Default
Parameters setting “and click the button “Write” and perform a Reset of the microcontroller board.
Click on the “Reload” button to get the parameters by default stored into the EEPROM and define in the
“customize.h” file.
Please check that the first parameters like the speed range and the number of polar couples are in-line with the
motor to be tuned.