RX62T YROTATE-IT-RX62T Motor Control Kit
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Jan 15, 2014
clamped with a diode directly connected with the microcontroller power supply, so a suitable series
resistance is needed in the power stage to avoid damages to the board.
A further connector (J12) can be used to supply the board from the power stage or vice-versa (making a
short circuit between the pins 1 and 2 of the jumper JP5); also the board 5V can be made available to the
power board (making a short circuit between the pins 3 and 4 of JP5), but not vice-versa, because they are
directly connected to the step-down switching supply of the board. The ground connection is always on, and
it represents the reference for all the interface signals.
In the next figure a simple example regarding how the power board has to be arranged is presented: the power
supply comes from the supply connector, and the supply for power module is derived from it. The external supply is
also used to supply the microcontroller board through the connector J12A (and the jumper JP5 in microcontroller
board); the 5V supply for current sensors and for the signal polarization is derived from the microcontroller board,
through J12A (and JP5). The PWM drive signals are taken from J11A, while the current sensing signals and the bus
voltage measurement are brought to J13A (the phase commutation signals and the temperature sensing signal are
not reported for sake of simplicity).
Please refer to the complete schematics for further details.