See last page for copyright and document info, File: Reeve_GpsNtp-Pi_Setup.doc, Page 20
Log into the RPi and test the GPS receiver time and position data output. Before running the next command, set
the PuTTY window to 80 columns x 30 rows (in PuTTY Change Settings... – Window). To quit the GPS monitor,
press CTRL-C:
The upper part of the console display will remain fixed while the enclosed data updates automatically. The lower
part scrolls as incoming data are displayed. Of particular interest in the scrolling data are the $GPRMC
parameters, which show position, time and date (if necessary, click and drag the window height to display more
dynamic data but do not increase its width). The various parameters and how to interpret them are described in
}. The data in the GPS monitor continuously updates. Enter CTRL-S to freeze and CTRL-Q to unfreeze.
Alternately, run a more compact monitor. The values will appear after a moment and then continuously update:
cgps –s