See last page for copyright and document info, File: Reeve_GpsNtp-Pi_Setup.doc, Page 16
Type CTRL-X (Exit), Y (yes), Enter to save and close the editor, and then reboot:
sudo reboot
After reboot, log into the RPi and check that the module is loaded:
lsmod | grep pps
The output should be similar to:
pps_gpio 2529 1
pps_core 7943 2 pps_gpio
To determine if PPS is working, first ensure the GPS receiver is in the satellite tracking mode. This may require
up to 15 minutes from a cold start:
On the HAB Supplies GPS board, the green PPS LED flashes about 1 per second when tracking
On the Adafruit GPS, the red GPS status LED flashes once every 15 seconds when tracking
Next, enter:
dmesg | grep pps
Output should be similar to shown below, indicating that the PPS software module is loaded. Your window may
show only the first three lines. The third line indicates there is a new PPS source pps.-1: