See last page for copyright and document info, File: Reeve_GpsNtp-Pi_Setup.doc, Page 15
6. Install and Verify Pulse Per Second ~ PPS
Install software to support PPS:
sudo apt-get install pps-tools
sudo apt-get install libcap-dev
Configure the RPi to use the general purpose input/output (GPIO) for the PPS input from the GPS receiver:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Add a new line as shown below. The value X = 4 or 18 depending on GPS board. The HAB GPS uses GPIO pin 18
and the Adafruit GPS uses GPIO pin 4.
The PuTTY window should look similar to this (this example shows the pin used with the Adafruit GPS board):
Type CTRL-X (Exit), Y (yes), Enter to save and close the editor.
Additional changes are required to use PPS
sudo nano /etc/modules
Add a new line
The PuTTY window should look similar to this: