Model 737R (RPX)
User Manual
Step 1: Set up the RecoveryPump
Place the console on a flat stable surface from where it will not slip or fall
The front of the console must be at least six inches from the edge of the
surface. Position the console so that the patient can easily reach the controls
during treatment.
Plug the DC power adapter cable into the DC adapter socket on the console,
and then plug the power cord into an appropriate 115-Volt wall outlet.
Step 2: Dress Appropriately
Always wear light clothing underneath the garment, for hygienic reasons,
to avoid irritation and to absorb perspiration.
Do not wear the garment directly over bare skin.
Clothing should be unrestrictive and absorbent, and free of zippers,
buttons or other items that could rub and chafe under the massage.
We recommend wearing cotton clothes, such as sweatpants or leggings
along with cotton socks underneath the RecoveryBoots
leg garment or
RecoveryCore™ garment, or a long sleeve t-shirt under the
arm garment.
Step 3: Put on the Garment
Leg Garment
a. Zip the leg garment closed at least part of the way up before inserting
your leg.
b. Insert your foot into the garment (see Figure 5). Pull the top of the garment
towards your torso, extending the garment to its maximum length.
c. Close the zipper all the way up.
d. Repeat for other leg, if desired. The RecoveryBoots
leg garment is
designed to fit on either the right or left leg.
Figure 5 - Putting on the RecoveryBoots
Leg Garment