Safety Precautions
Overall suggestions
The first operation of the MOTOmed must always be supervised by a
qualified person giving instructions. Assessment of MOTOmed training
in regard to your health situation as well as the time, duration and
intensity of the training periods have to be discussed with your doctor
or physiotherapist before you start the training. Please pay attention
to the preset adjustments of the selected MOTOmed training program
when powering on.
Doing the training or inserting/ removing the feet/arms, should
never be conducted without supervision by qualified persons if you
cannot determine whether the user comprehends the functions and
operations of the MOTOmed, and is individually incapable to reach,
operate, and turn off the MOTOmed (particularly the arm/upper
body training with forearm shells). Supervision during the training is
recommended at all times.
During the training, it needs to be guaranteed that no unauthorized
persons (visitors, assistants, etc.) make changes to the bed unit,
wheelchair, chair, or the MOTOmed device.
If the health condition of a patient does not allow MOTOmed training
at the maximum speed of 20 rpm, speed must be reduced after
starting the training and be saved in starting parameter.
The MOTOmed training has to be adapted to the individual health
condition of the patient.
Training suggestions by the manufacturer or its distributors are given
without guarantee and are non-binding. No exact instructions can be
given for the use of the MOTOmed in different health situations. This
applies as well to details of the training functions as their settings
have to be adjusted to age, height, individual situations, post-surgical
health conditions and the general fitness of the user.