11. Transportation and Storage
Transportation of the sensor in transport package of the manufacturer is allowed by all means of
closed land and sea transport (railway cars, containers, closed vehicles, holds, etc.). It is
possible to transport in sealed heated compartments of airplanes. Transportation and storage
must be done in terms that correspond to conditions of storage 3 according to ГОСТ 15150-69.
During transportation and storage requirements of manipulation signs, printed on transport
package must be complied.
12. Warranty
Warranty period of operation of the sensor is 18 months from the date of entry into operation of
the sensor, but not more than 24 months from the date of production. Date of entry into
operation should be fixed in accordance with the requirements assigned in passport of the
sensor. If there is no such data in the passport the warranty period begins on the date of
shipment of the sensor to the consumer.
Manufacturer's warranties are valid if the consumer follows the requirements of this service
manual. In case of violation, or if there is any mechanical or electrical damage caused by
influence of factors, not provided by this service manual, warranty is considered to be expired.