Manual No. 016-0159-925 Rev. F
Data Menu
Readdress Control Nodes
Reconfigure product control node order.
AccuBoom Control Node
Indicates status of AccuBoom control node. The program and revision number of the AccuBoom node will be
displayed if this feature is installed.
Calibration Summary
These screens allow the operator to review the current values and settings for each configured product control
channel. This screen is for review purposes only and the settings and values are not editable from these
screens. Use the UP and DOWN ARROWS to scroll.
Data Logger (4400 and 4600 Only)
The SCS 4400 with part number 063-0172-281 and SCS 4600 with part number 063-0172-343
both feature a compact flash card slot for application data transfer to a home or office computer.
For consoles with other part numbers, the data logging feature will only be used when connecting
to an optional external console for logging or mapping applications.
Data logging consoles will only recognize compact flash cards up to 512 MB. Do not use cards
with larger storage capacity with SCS consoles.
The data logging system, connected to a DGPS receiver, saves on-the-go application information to a compact
flash card for transfer to a personal computer. It combines GPS position with controller information to create a
database of records that is recorded at an interval programmed by the user (see the
section on page 38). With appropriate software, a map can be created showing the path driven by the
operator, along with controller information such as rate applied, boom status, time, area, and more.
Insert a compact flash card into the slot on the SCS 4400/4600 console prior to powering on console.
With console power on, press DATA MENU to bring up the Serial submenu.
Press the DOWN ARROW to advance to Trigger Value and use the Edit mode to enter the desired
increment between recorded data.
Press the DOWN ARROW to advance to Trigger Units. Use the CE key to select the units for the Trigger
Value. Select between feet or meters, and seconds (Meters only available if SI is selected as the console
display units).
Press the DOWN ARROW key to advance to GPS Baud. Use the CE key to select the baud rate of the GPS
receiver connected.
Press the DOWN ARROW key to advance to GPS Stop Bits. Use the CE key to select the number of stop
bits to communicate with the connected GPS receiver.