Manual No. 016-0159-925 Rev. F
Data Menu
Console Submenu
Press ENTER to adjust the screen contrast. Press and hold the UP ARROW key to lighten or the DOWN
ARROW to darken. Press ENTER when complete.
Audible Alarm
Press the CE key to toggle audible alarm On or Off.
Display Smoothing
Enable the display smoothing feature to allow the console to smooth the rate displayed during product
applications. With this feature enabled, the actual rate in the rates area will display the target rate as long as
the actual monitored application rate remains within ±10% of the target rate. The actual rate shown on the
main screen will display the actual monitored rate if the application system does not reach the target rate dead
band (±10%) within 10 seconds. Disable the display smoothing feature to monitor the actual application rate at
all times.
The display smoothing feature is only active for products in Automatic control mode.
Time, Month, Day, and Year
These selections are used to set the current date and time. Enter the last two digits of the current year.
Days Wait
Set the number of days after the console is powered off before the console goes into very low power
consumption mode and time settings are lost.
Data Lock
Prohibits the entry of calibration values without first entering the data lock code. Enter a 4-digit security code or
“0” to disable.
PGM REV Update
Displays the SCS console software program number and revision level.
The SCS console can be updated by pressing ENTER to initialize console update procedure via serial port.
Requires programming software, PC with null modem cable and replacement firmware (See
Chapter 15, SCS 4000/5000 Series Firmware Update Procedure).
Ratio Rate
Enable or disable ratio rate application mode. When enabled, products 2 and above will apply in ratio to
product 1 flow (See Chapter 13,