1.9. Legal status and copyright
This project is free software: you can redistribute and / or modify it in accordance
with the GNU General Public License Agreement, V3 version agreement, or (optionally)
an updated version agreement issued by the International Free Software Association. You
should receive a copy of the GNU General Public License Agreement for the
OpenTX/EdgeTX project. If not, see www.gnu.org/licenses. OpenTX/EdgeTX is open sourced
firmware for RC radio controllers. The firmware is highly
configurable and has more features than traditional radios. Daily feedback from
thousands of users ensures continuous firmware updates as well as stability and
quality. The release of OpenTX/EdgeTX firmware hopes that it will benefit the public, but it has
warranty; it does not include implied commercial licenses or applicability for a special
purpose. For more details, see the GNU General Public License Agreement. OpenTX/EdgeTX
source files and more can be found at